Well, Christmas is only 11 days away and I am totally disorganised, with very little done and a to do list a mile long! It seems like it was only yesterday that I was getting ready for last Christmas (and panicking as usual about how much there was to do!) and here we are, a whole year later. I just don't know where the time goes! And yes, I know I keep saying that, but it is so true.I have, however, had a few minutes to spare and made these glitter ogverlays. They were so easy to do - two of them are from commerical use overlays I have, and the other two I created myself from scratch. It actually took longer to save them, zip them and uplaod to 4shared than it did to create them all in the first place! And in case you are wondering (although I realise you are probably not bothered!), I made the two on the right.
As promised, it is commerical use friendly, so feel free to download either here or by clicking on the preview.
I'm off now to finish off a set of accounts and then perhaps make some Christmas cards (long overdue, I know, I should have made these weeks ago!).
It's been another busy day at work here - the list of accounts and tax returns to do seems never ending! However, I went shopping with my daughter last night as she needed to get a Secret Santa present for someone at work. It is absolutely fatal going shopping with her! I ended up buying a pair of shoes for myself, a small Christmas tree (plus ornaments and tinsel) for my office, a birthday present for a friend of our youngest son (he's at the birthday sleepover later today), a small stocking filler for hubbie, a Christmas present for my mum and a large teddy bear for our daughter (who wasn't really with me, didn't fall in love with the teddy, suggest it would be a good present, and most definitely was not standing right next to me at the till when I was paying for it!. All of this came out of the food budget too! I guess we're not eating this week!
So, since I'm getting in the Christmassy mood, I thought you might like some glitterflakes:
Just click on the preview or here to download. I'm afraid it's personal use only as some of the glitter effect I used was not commercial use. I'll try and make sure the next thing I do is commercial for those who prefer that.
I'm off to work on making calendars for Christmas presents, a birthday card for our son to go with the present he is taking later today, writing a tutorial on either creating drop shadows or using overlays (can't quite make up my mind which one to do), doing our church notices, and trying to get some more tax returns done. Sounds like I'll be somewhat busy!
Hope you have a lovely weekend and if you use the glitterflakes, let me know how you get on. I'd love to see what you create with them!
ADSDesigners December Collaboration: Holidays at Home
8 comments Posted by Lynn at 12/01/2008 06:55:00 amWell, today sees the release of the latest ADSDesigners collaboration, Holidays at Home. As you would expect with such a name, it is full of holiday themed papers, elements and alphas, so if you collect the whole collaboration, it will probably set you up for several Christmas's to come!
I've just uploaded my part of the collaboration to 4 shared, and the links here below. I kind of got carried away with the glitter, and the elements are huge! I had to split them into two zipped files as 4shared wouldn't take them in one file! The whole collaboration looks amazing, and you really don't want to miss out on this one, especially if, like me, you still have loads of cards and calendars and gift tags and so on to make!
My part of the collaboration contains:
- 16 papers (patterned, plain and ruled)
- 4 Christmas bulbs
- 2 Christmas decorations
- Christmas tree
- 2 glitter splashes
- 6 glitter frames
- 3 glitter strings
- Notebook
- Notepaper
- 3 presents
- 5 ribbon wrappers
- Snowflake overlay
- Star
- 4 tinsels
- Alpha
I did warn you that I got carried away with the glitter! The links are:
Elements 1
Elements 2
My thanks to Laura Skathi, Kim B, Marianna Banos and Megadoodle for some of the brushes, actions and elements.
The complete list of designers in the collaboration is as follows:
Adele of Blind Sight Designs
Adventures in Scrapland
Amanda of Amandas Scrappy Creations
Amie of Amiebear
Beckmoores Scrapalittle
Becky's Scraps
Bouquet of Pixels Brooke at Ahhh Scrap
CMB Designs
Creative Digital Scraps by Chiara
Deanna at Flower Scraps
DesignsByAmilyn Digital Keepsakes
Doodle Designs
Elemental Pixie
EmCee Scraps
Erika {aka PinkuPixie}
HeatherStokes at HSDesigns
Jayden's Mama
JIC Creations
Just Another Scrap Kathy Goldstein
Lei at Fairydustprincess-Magicmaker
Linda at Linda's Dream Designs
Lynn of Heavenly Crafts
Lynn at TMA
Manda at Disaster in Designs
Merrilee Wheaton Designs
MsBhvin Scraps
My Little Corner of the World
Oase Panda Bear Designs Pamela Yates at Pammy's Playground
Scrapping with Jen
Shabby Tagger
Shel at Shel Belle Scraps
Stacy at Kalo Designs
Teri at Teris Thing-O-My-Jigs
Wendi at Willow Grace Designs
WillowRaven at Purple Dragonfly Creations