Make a note to come back tomorrow when the kit is released. All the downloads will be available for a month and I'll have links to them all for you!
Well, I've been trying to get some more freebies done but work has had to take first place as we are going away on Friday night to the Lake District.
I love this part of the country and am really looking forward to it! The children love it too, and I just hope we are going to have some good weather. We're going prepared though, taking kagools and stuff, and have every intention of going out every day even if it does rain. And let's face it, this is Britain, it's the summer, and we're going to the Lake District so we're bound to get rain!
I have great plans to see just about as much as possible, although we will be based close to Lake Windermere and Coniston. My daughter and I want to go visit Beatrix Potter's house, much to the disgust of the boys, as they want to go to the beach on at least one day! Imagine, going all the way to the Lakes and they want to go to the seaside! Philistines!
Anyway, I'll try to be back with a freebie before we go away, probably some overlays or maybe some stock photos (flowers) - anyone got any preferences? If not, I'll definitely be doing something whilst I'm away because I am, of course, taking my laptop!

Feel free to download it here or click on the preview to take you to the download link. The link will only be up a few days so grab it while you can. Other freebies are in the fpd gallery in the "Teacher's Pet" section.
Well, I found this gorgeous ladybird action:
so here are some ladybirds I made with this:
Just click on the preview to take you to the download page. And if that doesn't work, try this.
The ladybirds are for personal use only and please don't repackage and claim as your own please. The background paper is not included in the download, which contains the ladybirds as 6 separate .png files and as a .psp file too.
You know, I never realised before just how long it takes designers to package everything up. It took, like, ten seconds to make those ladybirds, and over an hour to put them into a preview and everything else! Admittedly, I was playing around with the "Heavenly Crafts" border to get something better than the lacy thing I used the other day, but still and all! And I still need to get my TOU sorted out, as well as get to work to make a living! So much to do, so little time....
Edited: sorry, but I had to change the TOU to just personal use only.
Well, we went out out at the weekend to Carding Mill Valley, part of the Shropshire Hills and a beautiful place to go walking. The climb up to the top of the Long Mynd is a real killer, and I kept having to stop to take a photograph, which is my excuse for stopping for a rest!

It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny, but the best part, as far as the children were concerned, was the waterfall:
It's not a huge waterfall, but it was several times the height of the elder son, and the boys had fun trying to get as close to the water as possible without actually getting drenched. Since elder son ended up sticking his head under the water, he was unsuccessful in remaining dry! Then on the way back to the car, they found some more water to play in (and at 19, 17 and 11, you would have though that two of them at least would have been old enough to not want do this anymore!). We eventually got back to the car, with the youngest being able to actually pour water out of his wellington boots, and his brother having mud stains all over his back from where he skidded on the muddy path! Of course, their sister remained dry despite getting very close to her brothers under the waterfall!
As usual, I took loads of photos, and this is an overlay and some papers I made form one of them. Feel free to download this if you like it, and whilst there are no terms of use in the file, it is for commercial, personal or scrap for hire. Feel free to use it as you will to design and create, but please do not resell or repackage as it is and claim it as your own.

Well, I have finally taken the plunge and started my blog. This is my first foray into the world of html, and css, so please bear with me as I gradually get this blog and all the links up and running.
As a first step into designing, I have joined the Teachers Pet challenge at Funky Playground Designs, and have just completed the first assignment. Mind you it was all a bit of a mad panic as I found out at the last minute that I couldn't get access to the website, didn't know what the assignment was or where to post when finished! I ended up uploading it all to the ftp site just before midnight (GMT) and that was a learning experience in itself, as every step of the way I had to check the "how to...." guides. I then didn't manage to upload the preview to the gallery until this morning, but here it is:
Just click on the link to take you the download. It's password protected, so you need to register for the fpd newsletter so you can get the password to unzip the files:
And here is the link to the fpd Teacher's Pet gallery, where you will find loads more freebies:
Oh, I haven't put any terms of use in the kit, but it can be used for personal or commercial use. Just don't repackage and claim as your own designs, thank you.
Like I said above, this is a whole new learning experience for me, and hopefully I will be able to improve my designing skills and learn to hand code HTML, so I can impress my eldest son!
Sorry all the download links have been removed at the fpd gallery now.