It's been a busy month here so far, but I have at least managed to get out and about with the children. We went to Carding Mill Valley on May Day Bank holiday. It rained off and on part of the day, we got soaked, but had a great time! It's now getting to the stage where I can get to the top of the Long Mynd without having a heart attack in the process, and having the energy to walk for several miles afterwards too!

We went to Shrewsbury yesterday, well three of us did (me, daughter and youngest son) and the weather was lovely. At one point, it was as if there were clouds encircling Shrewsbury but above us, we had brilliant blue skies! Anyhow, the main reason for the trip was to go to the pictures and to do a bit of shopping. However, because we didn't get there until gone 11 (someone (i.e. me!) spent too long finishing off a book before getting ready to go out), we only ended up going watching the film and having a late lunch! Still, the film (the new Star Trek movie) was definitely worth it and we all want to go again, it was so good!!

Well, I have just finished stapling together 30 copies of the notices for church this morning and need to get a move on if I am to get there on time..... I'm going to leave you with this:

It's a tulip from our garden, just after a shower of rain. PU, CU and S4H all ok. Click on the tulip for the download link. Enjoy!

Note: the original download only included the jpg so I have now corrected this and the zip file includes the png as well. Thanks for letting me know about this - just goes to show I'd be dangerous if I had a brain!!

This is a butterfly overlay I made for a tutorial on using brushes I wrote for Bellascraps. It has now been published online (all articles and tutorials are in the process of being transferred online instead of being available for download as part of the digital magazine). The tutorial and the free downloads for the tut are available here:
You may have to register for Bellascraps to access the tut and the downloads, but it is all free! If you do go and have a look, let me know what you think as it is a complete beginner tutorial and it would be good to know it was easy to follow (and even to know where I went wrong, lol!).

....found some time to blog again! I can't believe it has been so long. I remember when I was little (obviously only a few years ago, lol;))when time seemed to pass so slowly. Term time at school lasted a month of Sundays, and the summer holidays seemed never ending, but nowadays, I only have to blink and a week has gone by.

I'm in the middle of uploading my part in the ADSDesigners blog train for this month, and am running just a little bit late. I will be posting it soon, and hopefully you will like it. In the meantime, I thought I'd just let you know that the tutorial I did for Bellascraps magazine is now available online:

It is an Easter basket I made and I am just checking with Holley of Bellascraps whether or not I can offer the templates here as a freebie or not. I know it is something I created and all, but I just want to make sure I don't infringe any copyrights and so on. In the meantime, you can click on the photo and it should take you to the tutorial on the Bellascraps website.

Anyhow, I reckon my share of the "Sunshine Beach" collaboration should be just about uploaded now, so I'll be back shortly with the links.